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Weather Station

Hama WLAN Weather Station with App, Outdoor Sensor, Thermometer / Hygrometer / Baro.


With the WLAN weather station, check what's happening with the weather anytime and anywhere and conveniently access detailed weather data via the app or voice control

400,90   RON
Weather station in the home.
Item number: 176596

WLAN weather station for smart weather forecasting

The colour display shows reliable information about the current weather conditions, including temperature, humidity and air pressure. But the highlight of this wireless weather station has to be its smart functions. Using a WLAN connection, you can access precise and, most importantly, local weather information: Thanks to the smart weather station, you will know exactly what the weather is like on your doorstep, how the weather is likely to change and what the weather was like during a certain period of time. The functions of many of your other smart devices, which can be linked with the weather station, can also be optimised thanks to your newfound weather expertise. Your future may be full of surprises, but the weather will no longer be one of them!

Weather forecast: Detailed, multifaceted and local

What should I wear today? With the WLAN weather station, you no longer have to rely on the generalised weather forecast on the news. You can now get precise information about the weather in your area. So you know exactly whether your lightweight, softshell jacket will keep you warm enough or whether you need a scarf for your trip or for doing a bit of gardening.

Particularly practical: The weather station with outdoor sensor shows you temperature, air pressure and humidity for indoors and outdoors. Not only does this allow you to track the weather and pick the right outfit for a spot of gardening, it also means you can adjust your heating and air conditioning indoors, for example.

As far as the weather is concerned, the Smart Home weather station is always ready with the most up-to-date information, both indoors and out. And for the real weather enthusiasts among us: The weather data is saved so that you can also monitor weather trends over certain periods of time.

Always available thanks to the WLAN connection

A smart weather station offers many advantages: As well as providing vast amounts of data, it can also offer a wealth of convenience. The weather data is always up-to-date, without you having to update it manually or laboriously search for individual measurements. This can also benefit any other smart devices that you have connected to your weather centre. For example, if you have connected your lawn sprinkler to an outdoor WLAN socket and linked it to the weather station, you could set the lawn sprinkler to run for half an hour every morning at seven if the temperature reaches 20°C. The smart devices communicate without you having to lift a finger. Just configure the necessary settings and your everyday life is automatically simplified.

Mobile weather station

Whether you want to check out the weather forecast, scenes and automations or just find out the temperature – everything is clearly presented on the Hama Smart Home app, for use at home and on the go. Your very own weatherman with you at all times!

You can conveniently control the WLAN weather station and the Smart Home products connected to it via the app. If the app shows you on the way home that the room temperature in the living room is 27°C, simply switch on the smart fan while you are out and about. Likewise, if the temperatures drop, you can switch on the smart heating control.

And if you want quick information about the weather situation, you can get it easily and conveniently using voice control.

Scenes and automations

When linked with other smart products, our clever wireless weather station can realise its full potential through scenes and automations. There are no limits to the ways you can make everyday life simpler or the number of technical gimmicks you can employ. You can devise a number of convenient sequences based on temperature and humidity, for example, without having to think about adjusting settings every time the weather changes. Even if you are not at home, you can create a pleasant environment for any other inhabitants of the house or garden, such as pets and plants, and ensure adequate watering.

Below, you can see some of the possible applications when linking the WLAN weather station with other smart products:

  • If the weather station reports frost, the smart radiator thermostat automatically increases the temperature.
  • If the bedroom reaches 30°C in mid-summer, the smart fan switches on automatically and cools the room to a more comfortable sleeping temperature.
  • If your vegetable patches need spraying at seven o'clock every morning if the temperature reaches 20°C, then simply connect the lawn sprinkler to the outdoor WLAN socket and it will communicate with the weather station.
  • If the indoor air humidity reaches 80%, you will receive a notification so that you can adjust the air conditioning as soon as possible. This makes the indoor climate more conducive to health and also prevents mould.

Universally compatible

The WLAN weather station can be linked with Smart Home products from Hama or other products compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant. Voice control works just as well with Amazon Alexa as it does with Google Assistant. And iOS or Android fans can still remain true to their operating system since the app works on both systems.

Quality based on German standards

Quality based on German standards

From the initial sample to series maturity: our products undergo strict and comprehensive quality controls, managed and carried out in Germany. This enables us to guarantee compliance with all specifications, guidelines and standards – and satisfy the strictest demands.


Weather Station with WLAN

The weather station for smart homes: simply connect the wireless weather station with the WLAN and access accurate weather data the smart way: in the app, via voice control or on the weather station itself

Easy operation from anywhere via the app

Whether it be the sofa or the sun lounger: with the Hama Smart Home app and WLAN weather station, you have your eye on the weather at all times, no matter where you are

Measure temperature, ambient humidity and air pressure

Accurate weather data: with a thermometer, hygrometer and barometer, you can document comprehensive readings for indoors and out that are specific to your location

Weather forecast

In detail and local: with the weather forecast, you will become a weather expert. You know exactly what the weather is locally, how it's going to change and, thanks to the app, how it was during a specific period

Can be extended at will with other Smart Home products

Step by step to the Smart Home: with the Hama Smart Home app, you can expand and network your smart home with any number of Hama Smart Home products, such as a fan that starts up automatically when the outdoor temperature is high

Convenient voice control

Whether it be Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant: conveniently request information from the smart weather station using voice commands and activate scenes

Smart Home without a gateway

Our WiFi weather station works without any gateway (hub): you don't need an additional device, and you save on extra costs since the weather station establishes a direct WiFi connection with the router

6-symbol weather forecast

The weather forecast is displayed using six symbols: sunny, slightly cloudy, overcast, rain, heavy rain and snowfall

Phases of the moon

Shows the current phases of the moon - from new moon to waning moon

Outdoor temperature display: Temperature and ambient humidity

Outdoor sensor with temperature and air humidity display

  • Technical Specs
    Design (Colour, Pattern, Motif, Series)
    Backlight Colour Display
    Colour Black
    Shade of colour Black
    Connectivity (Connection)
    Power connector plug type Euro Plug, Type C (CEE 7/16)
    Signal Transmission 2.4 GHz
    Electrospecific Properties
    Display outdoor sensor Hygrometer, Thermometer
    Radiated max. transmission power 0.1 W
    Range to Radio Outdoor Sensor 60 m
    Physical Properties
    Additional Functions Battery Capacity Indicator, Likelihood of Rain, Moonphase Display, Outdoor Sensor, Trend Display for Air Humidity, Trend Display for Atmospheric Pressure, Trendanzeige for Temperature, Weather Forecast, Weather Warning
    Air Pressure Accuracy ±5hPa
    Display Digital
    Humidity Accuracy ±10%
    Hygrometer inside 20-95%
    Hygrometer outside 20-95%
    Measurement Range (inside) -20°C to +60°C
    Measurement Range (outside) -40°C up to +70°C
    Operating Mode Wireless
    Voice Assistant Amazon Alexa/Apple Siri/Apple Siri (Shortcuts)
    Size & Weight
    Width x Depth x Height 3 x 16.5 x 12.8 cm
    Number of Batteries (Outdoor Sensor) 2
    Number of Batteries (Station) 2
    Type of Battery (Station) AA Mignon
    Type of Battery Outside Sensor AA Mignon
    Field of Application
    App Control Hama Smart Home
    Recommended Use Home Assistent
  • Mai multe detalii despre produse
    • Instalare simplă pe propria rețea WiFi: deoarece nu este necesar niciun hub, dispozitivele dumneavoastră pot fi configurate în doar câteva minute
    • Poate fi setat prin aplicația Hama Smart Home sau direct pe stația meteo
      - Compatibilitate ridicată: funcționează cu Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, iOS și Android. De asemenea, poate fi conectat la toate produsele pentru casă inteligentă compatibile cu Alex și Google Assistant de la alți producători
    • Creați scene și automatizări cu alte produse Smart Home: de ex. în caz de îngheț, controlul de încălzire va crește temperatura, în timp ce dacă atmosfera devine prea umedă în interior, veți primi un memento pentru a ventila camera
    • Masurarea temperaturii si a umiditatii ambientale in interior si exterior
    • Afișare tendințe pentru umiditatea și temperatura ambiantă: în creștere, constantă, în scădere
    • Toate datele capturate pot fi urmărite în aplicație, astfel încât schimbările meteo pot fi urmărite pe parcursul mai multor luni sau ani, de exemplu
    • Afișarea valorii min. si max. valorile pe stația meteo Smart Home
    • Ora (reglare automată a orei prin WiFi), afișare a datei și a zilei lucrătoare
    • Abrevieri pentru zilele lucrătoare în 7 limbi
    • Afișare oră în format de 12 și 24 de ore, fusul orar poate fi setat manual dacă este diferit de ora WiFi
    • Indicator de îngheț (fulg de zăpadă): -1 - +3°C
    • Calendar până în 2099
  • Continut pachet
    • 1 statie meteo WLAN
    • 1 unitate de alimentare
    • 1 senzor exterior
    • 1 ghid rapid de referință
  • Nota pentru consumatori

    Amazon Alexa:
    abilitate Alexa necesară „Soluție inteligentă Hama” trebuie activată în aplicația Alexa. Contul de utilizator pentru aplicația Hama Smart Home este apoi conectat la Alexa.

    Asistent Google:
    serviciul „Hama Smart Solution” trebuie activat în aplicația Google Home pentru aceasta. Contul de utilizator pentru aplicația Hama Smart Home este apoi conectat la Google.

  • Manufacturer information
    Hama GmbH & Co KG, 86652, Monheim,






Declaration of Conformity


App Manual
